5 Important Stages in the Content Marketing Process

Doris Kono
3 min readJul 15, 2022


Is your content marketing successful?

In 2021, the Institute of Content Marketing conducted a study that indicated that 88% of marketers achieved their goals through content marketing.

Many are asking the question, what is successful content marketing?

Successful content marketing helps you achieve your desired outcomes as a marketer, including attracting and retaining customers. The content marketing process is essential in ensuring you achieve these outcomes.

Image Courtesy of Marketing Insider Group

Let’s find out what the content marketing process is.

What is Content Marketing Process?

A content marketing process is a well-designed plan that allows you to give every piece of content the attention it deserves. The process allows you to create content with two deliverables: the goal and the target audience.

In content marketing, marketers fail when they create content that does not align with their target audience’s likes. The failure of content to generate leads is another factor that lowers the success rate of content marketing. However, you can overcome these challenges if you optimize your content marketing process.

Want to know what the content marketing process entails?

Read on to learn more.

1. Content Planning and Research

This is the stage where you conduct research and come up with strategy for your content. At this moment, you identify the type of content you will create, the target audience, the channels of publication, and the frequency.

2. Content Creation

This is the stage where you start creating content based on the data obtained during your content research and planning. While crafting your content, it is essential to conduct keyword research. Finding and using the relevant keywords is crucial as it will help attract your audience to your content.

3. Content Scheduling and Publishing

After finishing the two fundamental processes, it’s now time to publish. As a marketer, it is essential to have a content calendar to have a clear direction and organize the entire process. Before hitting publish, you must promote your content to ensure it gets seen. There are several tools that you can use to schedule your content.

4. Distribution and Promotion

The right content promotion and distribution strategy ensures that you share your content in the right places. Savvy marketers understand that even the most awesome content needs to be promoted. You can use social media and emails as your promotion and distribution channels as a marketer.

5. Content Analysis and Strategy Revision

The content marketing process is only complete after analyzing the content performance. Content analysis helps you to identify the areas that need improvement and those that need revision. By following this process, your content marketing will continue to improve and help you achieve your objectives.

Now you have it. As a content marketer, the endgame is to produce content that attracts customers and leads generation. Content process marketing is one of the most critical steps of a successful content marketing strategy.

With this in mind, you can now create content that will give you desired outcomes and be part of the few successful content marketers.

